February 4th is World Cancer Day. The purpose of this day is to “inspire change and mobilize action” in the cancer community across the globe. For the past three years, the campaign focus has been “I Am And I Will.” In 2019, the campaign highlighted individuals’ “Commitment To Act”. The inspirational message of “Progress Is Possible” followed in 2020. This year marks the final year of the three year “I Am And I Will” campaign and the focus is “Together, All Our Actions Matter.”
This year’s spotlight reminds us all that our actions have an impact on the world around us. The campaign demonstrates how when we all choose to come together, we can achieve a “healthier, brighter world without cancer.”
Breast Advocate® works with organizations across the globe to help educate and empower women and men during their breast cancer journeys. Through this collaborative approach, our app users can access a vast array of support resources. These include emotional and financial support, legal advice and travel assistance.
Breast Advocate’s mission is to empower patients to have a voice in their breast cancer treatment decisions. Connecting people with resources to help support them in their treatments journeys is part of that purpose.
“We believe our efforts to provide educational and supportive information and resources to individuals navigating breast cancer make a difference in the lives of many,” says app founder Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. “We hope to continue to brighten the futures of breast cancer communities across the globe and expand our resources to further meet their needs.”
So, this World Cancer Day, how will you try to make a difference in your cancer community?